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Welcome to Century Select Trading Co., Ltd., we're a powerful manufacturer and trading Corporation, mainly concentrating on dental restoration fabricating, consumables and equipment trading business.
We can provide high-quality products and exceptional service from fully equipped digital CAD/CAM and 3D printing facilities. With all of the latest cutting-edge technology, our highly skilled team of technicians bring the advantage of high tech design to your fingertips. We also own a Digital Design Center focusing on designing, and an Aesthetic Studio concentrating on high-tech aesthetic restoration.
We have over five years of global service experience and can provide you with the highest quality dental materials and services.
All our clients and partners trust us and praise our outstanding quality and superior customer service. And the total turnaround time is 5-7 business days (from you send out the cases till you receive the final work back) depends on the complexity of the cases. We use UPS, FedEx, or DHL to ensure you can get your products back on time.